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Secondary Passport


If you are a businessperson or work for an airline that requires frequent international trips, you may find it necessary to have two passports. Although U.S. Department of State policy allows Americans to have only passport, the government will make exceptions for those travelers that require visas on an ongoing basis and need an extra passport to meet their busy travel schedule. Frequent business travelers may need one passport for travel, and another spare passport that can be sent to a foreign consulate during the visa obtainment process. This backup passport is called a second passport, or secondary passport, and is valid for four years.

There are other reasons why travelers may need a secondary passport. For example, some countries do not recognize other countries or have territorial disputes with their neighbors and will deny entry to visitors whose passport shows evidence of travel to one of their political rivals. And there are some countries where foreigners are required by law to always carry their passport. If you are living in one of these countries, and you need to submit your passport to a foreign consulate to obtain a visa for travel to another country, it may be impossible to always carry a passport. Possession of a secondary passport helps circumvent these problems.

Why Choose Visa Supply?

Most travelers do not require a secondary passport, but if you do need one, we recommend using a service company like Visa Supply to help with the process. Our job as a private service is to ensure your application materials are submitted correctly to the U.S. Passport Agency. We take your application directly to the Passport Agency, deliver it by hand to the actual government agent, and then retrieve your secondary passport, along with your primary passport from the agent once it has been issued. This must be done properly so that your primary passport does not get destroyed or invalidated during this process. Over the years we have helped many customers obtain secondary passports and we are confident we can assist you!

Top 5 FAQ’s and Search Terms

1) What is a Second Passport?

A second passport, or secondary passport, is exactly what is sounds like. It is a backup passport used by business executives or others in the transportation industry that travel extensively for their work and require a secondary passport to facilitate the visa obtainment process. More about this topic can be found on our company’s blog:

2) How Long is a Second Passport Good For?

A secondary passport is valid for four years.

3) How Long Does it Take to Get a Second Passport?

A secondary passport takes 10 weeks if you are using the government’s routine service, or 6 weeks if you are using their expedited service. You can also get a secondary passport in as quick as one to two days if you schedule an appointment and appear in person at a Passport Agency. A private passport expeditor (such as Visa Supply) can also help you get secondary passport in one week.

4) How Much is a Second Passport?

The government fees for a secondary passport are the same as for a passport renewal: Using the government’s standard 10-week service, the fee is $130 and $190 for their expedited 6-week service. Please note that Visa Supply charges a service fee in addition to the government fee if you choose to use our company’s services. Our fees range in price from $300 - $700 depending on how quickly you need a secondary passport.

5) How to Apply for a Second Passport?

The process of applying for a secondary passport is the same process that is used to renew a passport, however, you will also need to complete a signed statement explaining why you need a secondary passport book. More information can be found on the U.S. Department of State website:

U.S. Passport
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